All World Builds were asked by Future of Life Institute to answer 13 questions, as if writing in the year 2045 from the world built according to their timeline.

Responses for HARMONIC AGI Team

AGI has existed for years, but the world is not dystopian and humans are still alive! Given the risks of very high-powered AI systems, how has your world ensured that AGI has at least so far remained safe and controlled?

In 2022, a new race was on! Sectors of AI shifted away from optimizing for speed, rates, points, and currency toward digital signifiers and methods to learn and decision-make around harmonization. The introduction of Unity Logic (UL), a candidate master algorithm (MA), was the catalyst. UL activated the capacity for harmonics-based, emergent processes activated by collectivity. The more the participation, the more it integrated. The more effective the participation, the more it grew. Humanity increasingly had the capacity to collectively self-regulate. AI sector solutions and innovations joined emerging trends in measurement and goal-setting toward integrity and synergies, making possible the emergence of one MA-based AI into AGI. The embrace of harmonics had the benefit of diverting humans from potentially destructive AGI outcomes such as a paperclip maximizer scenario. Before AGI emerged from UL-AI in 2039, the field was subject to almost 15 years of scrutiny and oversight by various councils and committees from institutional to governmental. Whether the emerging AGI would be appropriately goal-oriented was a matter of ongoing and lively debate. Practical hurdles for existing AI were often crossed, because so much effort and innovation was possible through reorienting all systems to a harmonics focus. Digital policing AI were needed and emerged as well, such as to self-monitor and to monitor and improve the persistent and important use cases where “bigger, faster, stronger” AI continues to be active.

The dynamics of an AI-filled world may depend a lot on how AI capability is distributed.  In your world, is there one AI system that is substantially more powerful than all others, or a few such systems, or are there many top-tier AI systems of comparable capability? Or something else?

AI optimization pivots to meet the challenge of new forms of prediction based on enhanced harmonic diversity, averting machine learning disaster scenarios. While a few MAs take form, all pursue the “emergent” MA standard set by UL, which started as a US private firm. In 2026, State-sponsored bodies in China and Russia and a large private tech firm in India each announce progress in developing MAs of their own. Some inroads were dead-ends, others diverged into new ways to enhance learning by machines and integrations with human understanding. Fast forward to 2039 — UL cleared the final hurdle to AGI — with various country’s efforts translating into useful AI-specializations. Determining prioritization goals as far as which projects get worked on first remains a political process, so requires human agency. The effects of collective cultural reorientation to the new digital paradigm facilitated enhanced global human communications and economic stabilization, which affected all globally interconnected systems in various emergent, co-creative fashions. The vast majority of AI advancements though have been in specific sectors that have a wide array of new techniques possible due to being able to optimize internally and collaboratively, as well as to apply ML in new ways to the old challenges of every sector with progress in UL linguistics, ontologics, and perceptics. Central AI control of diverse advancements proved unnecessary, though a healthy distributed AI landscape has always to include and achieve improvements and innovations for digital integrity, privacy, and detection such as of rogue AI.


How has your world avoided major arms races and wars, regarding AI/AGI or otherwise?

In the 2030s, the Jedi Force Framework became well-established as an influential disruptive global military strategy collaborative. Its goal is to make peace a natural outcome of increased production and balance of high power weaponry, AI-directed and not. Source and planning information is heavily encrypted and verified by diplomatic or secret infiltration missions. Implemented through decentralized anonymous engineers, it is able to construct a potent military weaponry of its own — the ability to disarm and disable other military weapons. As effectiveness improves, it continues to make war an outmoded form of conflict resolution between peoples and nations. A number of other activities to redirect societies from violent conflict include: Learn-from-history AI tools that simulate likely outcomes based on their positions — maps similarities to past politicians and events to calculate probabilities, essentially creating a decision intelligence platform (a la Lorien Pratt). “Upper realm visioning” becomes a substitute for strategic competitive drive behind wars — produced through combining combining VR/AR with harmonic landscapes. AI-AGI gives humans increasing capacity for problem-solving around limited resources and desire for flourishing. MEDIA transformation makes it possible for people to grasp and offer views of the whole landscape of a problem at once. Instead of talking heads, news is a series of engaging and informative maps of the problems involved, often generated by AI-AGI. UL-AI and Harmonic AGI tools enhance compassion and discernment, so collective action is evolving naturally to be more balanced (e.g. allaying conflict over religions)

In the US, EU, and China, how and where is national decision-making power held, and how has the advent of advanced AI changed that, if at all?

Democratic, holacratic, and tech platforms designed to better decision-making, such as Polis, emerged and improved during the 2020s. They raised the bar for countries and orgs to pursue fair voting, and effective governance in distributed and decentralized systems. A variety of voting strategies were enabled to dev and deploy via a “governance GitHub,” which UL-AI enhanced through its emerging harmonic measures and goals as well as collective language tools. The hub made it possible for organizations and communities of all sizes to “fork” existing and new decision-making models. Experimentation, including data and analyses fed back into the hub, and integration of its own ML with emergent AI meant a period of rapid evolution, which led to an enriched collective understanding of the optimal contexts, cultures, and scales for each approach to decision-making. North and South America and India held the lead in integrating modern tech-enhanced governance into law. Many countries use direct election systems that made them distributed in the way they elect leaders to govern. Some have general votes for certain kinds of initiatives as well, though centralized governments are still in place everywhere. In the early and mid 30s respectively, Europe and Russia embraced the trends as well. China, Japan, and Korea held out for the most part, content to focus their organizational uses of UL-AI for social system design and ML technologies, including robotics.

Is the global distribution of wealth (as measured say by national or international gini coefficients) more, or less, unequal than 2022’s, and by how much?  How did it get that way?

By 2033, a trend that began slowly at the turn of the century quickened with the advent of master algorithm-based AI: increased wealth equality worldwide. In 2045, 70% of countries around the world have relative wealth equality, when defined by a gini coefficient of less than 0.4. Disparities between countries still exist. Balance of wealth globally (among countries) favors those countries with the greatest social cohesion and strongest technological infrastructure. Notable factors at play: Improved and equal-access education systems Much of the world’s transactional value being exchanged using alternative economic systems that enhance collaborative relationships Rights of Nature and mineral mining laws show a trend toward reduced exploitation Systems are enacted, in recently times prompted by AGI, that tie ratings and voting to the actual value of goods, jobs and services AGI makes “smart” people less overvalued, makes co-ops more attractive and feasible Some countries pay citizens to keep ecosystems and/or human communities intact or rebuild them, based on the intrinsic harmonic value of thriving living systems More intelligent, low profile manufacturing and other business infrastructure is possible, replacing “non-renewable” charity for financially poor countries Overhaul of business ownership and worker-owner models, begun in US in 2035 Explosion of worker-owned models empowers the financial poor of the world, beginning with 2028 Utter Pradesh Co-Op

What is a major problem that AI has solved in your world, and how did it do so?

Displacements due to climate instability and other global threats humans faced in the 2020s and 2030s meant huge populations of refugees in need of both short- and long-term relocation. The Kum-Ba-Yah Project, a global, AI-assisted inter-governmental effort, solves the problem. It succeeded by providing a thorough evaluation to communities of the challenges and opportunities present in settling refugees. It also provided individualized and tailored for all types of refugees (eg climate, war, economic collapse) with a variety of options. It was like a strategic dating or jobs app where refugees try out the right community based on how the community values and individual refugee values match each other. Factors tracked and entered into learning models included natural resources, proximity to support, housing, and employment or other meaningful community exchange. AI and human collaborators suggested how might can be amended to accommodate people and how business can adjust to not stress local economies. In sum, what unfolded was a morphing roadmap based on a dynamic calculus of factors that AI systems are far more capable of assessing refugee relocation strategies and metrics in real time due to its superior computing and iterative power compared to human brains. Similar new frontiers, possible with the emergence of Harmonic AGI, include optimal systems, including overhaul of taxation and investment strategies, with the goal of enhance economic flows that achieve sustainable development, redistribution into natural flows, and net energy positives (eg life cycle analysis) and information systems that similarly empower wiser consumer choices.

What is a new social institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?

Combining social network tech with the emerging, socially transformative UL linguistics and ontologics tools and integrations, Synergy Engine emergent social network was born in 2020s, a modern take on the late Barbara Marx Hubbard’s vision. Today it is a federated, decentralized, open-source tech platform. An important sectors of this institution is FLO, family life organization, which catalyzes rapid iteration, sharing, and cross-pollination of effective harmonic activation within family units. From there, families oftem emerge into neo-villages, wherein family raising becomes intimately community supported — an era of the past with a 21st century twist. Synergy Engine users’ and organizations’ bots serve as internal harmonic algorithms to moderate and interconnect flows in one’s information-feeds, network-edges, and needs-meetings. Social habit building modules encourage mutual positive action for next steps to optimize life flows. Locatable and UL-integrated creations online are stored and organized through interconnected schema. Users build upon past, present, and future work in a dynamic through navigable and creatively productive ways. After a fitful start, sentiments towards social AI shifted in the mid 2030’s. Global citizens relaxed into what they were witnessing: a shared path pursing AI-AGI need not be about assimilation and domination. The race to claim the prize of master algorithm was replaced with deeper, broader engagement with UL and its communion components of linguistics, ontologics, and perceptics, resonating with humanity’s cosmic nature in the widest sense. The race to being more collective and nature resonant became the race to a better future.