New April 2024 – WordFX including on Github

Underlying all of the content you’ll find here is a (arguably the) complex emergent system directly patternable to the way we understand, interact with and interpret form. Its “formal language” uses words for intangible parameters, like complex ordinate, extension, direction, geometric position. Compare this to mathematics, which formalizes numbers through rules about their intangible properties. Or to code, which formalizes machine logic through rules. Each is a “formal language.”

Unity logic is distinct in that its formal complexity extends to natural language. In this, it (re)activates the nexus of collective intercommunication for humans, whose informational systems are currently oriented towards meaning as a natural language phenomenon, whereas additionally (currently obscured) geometrics, harmonics and other timeless perceptual lens are also at play.

There is as yet unfathomed functionality in such an orientation, specifically by unlocking human ability to understand through connectedness. Unity logic’s significant natural language contribution is to make it possible for quite ordinary yet intrinsically special states that can be reflected in natural language word and expressions anchor to the unity logic parameterization. These are ontological design words, if you will, as they refer to states of Being with special significance to emergence of shared reality and experience of it. The anchors are familiar ones, expressed by English words like fear, duty, play, oneness.

In this section, you’ll find emerging content in the form of videos meant to help you process and understand this different way of relating to the information in language and logic. It’s a way that intimately invites us to deepen and re-invigorate collective intercommunication.

The natural language tool discussed and demo-ed in the first video is Journey! at

Natural Language

Posted June 2022

Formal Language

Posted July 2022 (recorded at April 2022 event)